Dunnett's Correction for ABC testing

Improve your multivariate testing framework power and roll out the experiments much faster

July 28, 2024 · 15 min · Nikita Podlozhniy

Customer Feedback Analysis in Python

Background Every company has always taken pride in providing excellent customer service, therefore it’s crucial as part of ongoing improvements for product to collect and analyse feedback after each customer interaction on support channels A top-notch analyst in Hi-Tech industry should be in capable of handle at least base feedback analysis quickly and efficiently and going through this article you will be introduced with the necessary concepts and eventually given the base guide on how to unlock the true power of text data...

October 29, 2023 · 17 min · Nikita Podlozhniy

Time Series Analysis in Python

Intro It’s a short yet handy guide on how to analyze time series data in a few clicks using modern Python libraries. Tech stack for this guide consists of duckdb and pandas packages for data processing Facebook’s prophet for data exploration and forecasting plotly for data visualization Code import duckdb as db import pandas as pd import numpy as np orders = pd.read_csv('orders_data.csv') orders.sample() Created Date Country City Restaurant ID Restaurant Name Order State Cancel Reason Cuisine Platform Products in Order Order Value € (Gross) Delivery Fee Delivery Time Order ID 44255 10....

September 2, 2023 · 18 min · Nikita Podlozhniy