We at HomeBuddy run a various number of AB tests to improve customer journey. A big part of efforts is allocated to onboarding funnel, hence the main metrics are conversions throughout this funnel. Usually we design multivariate tests with a few testing groups reflecting slightly different variations (often in terms of actual design) of the business hypothesis behind. No matter how you run the experiments you want to get an accurate and powerful procedure, that’s why we use Dunnett’s correction for all of the experiments where we have to maximize the power of AB engine. Are you curious what it is?
It’s expected that the reader has an experience with Python and its main libraries for data analysis. The actual notebook was written on Python 3.11.4 and to keep the results reproducible here is the list of particular packages that are being used in the article specified with their versions.
pip install --quiet --upgrade numpy==1.25.2 scipy==1.11.2 statsmodels==0.14.0 podlozhnyy_module==2.4b0
Problem Definition
Imagine we want to optimize an onboarding funnel of an arbitrary product applying a new business idea. We don’t want to rely on expert assessment only and hence opt for designing an AB test first. The target metric is an abstract conversion and we carry out a classical AB test with one treatment group.
It’s not a secret that in such a scenario the best practice is a standard Z-test procedure for independent proportions
$$ Z = \frac{\hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_2}{\sqrt{P(1 - P)(\frac{1}{n_1} + \frac{1}{n_2})}} \space\text{,where}\space P = \frac{\hat{p}_1n_1 + \hat{p}_2n_2}{n_1 + n_2} $$
Under the conditions of the truth of the null hypothesis the statistic follows the standard normal distribution
$$ Z \stackrel{H_0}{\sim} \mathbb{N}(0, 1) $$
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binom
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportions_ztest, proportion_confint
There are multiple versions of classical Z-test in Python and even though those have its unique selling points this time I apply my own implementation to stay consistent across this article using the same interface for all criteria.
from podlozhnyy_module.abtesting import Dunnett, Ztest
As a brief check that the method is working as expected and to make you acquainted with its interface let’s identify a dummy experiment
must consist of at least three lists:
is the basis event that stands as a denominator of conversiontarget
is the goal event - conversion numeratorgroups
are names of the experiment variants
In addition variant
is specified to explicitly define which group we’re focus on (it makes sense in case of multivariate testing)
input = {
"base": [
"target": [
"groups": [
"variant": "test",
Functionality is written leveraging well-known OOP principles, so the experiment is not a function that stands aside, but a class which besides input
dictionary gets the keys of the corresponding entities.
test = Ztest(input, base="base", target="target", groups="groups", variant="variant")
print(f"p-value: {test.variant_pvalue(alternative='less'):.3f}, Z-statistic: {test.statistic[0]:.3f}")
p-value: 0.151, Z-statistic: -1.032
For an on fly verification, the results might be compared to the output of a well known statsmodels
count = input["target"]
nobs = input["base"]
stat, pval = proportions_ztest(count, nobs, alternative='smaller')
print('p-value: {0:0.3f}, Z-statistic: {1:0.3f}'.format(pval, stat))
p-value: 0.151, Z-statistic: -1.032
The numbers coincide and now we’re ready to move to the main topic.
While often basic Z-test procedure is the appropriate option for AB analysis, it doesn’t satisfy the genuine requirements for the statistical method when it comes to multiple hypothesis testing. I hope you understand what is the problem in case of having $n$ independent metrics in your test: if you set up acceptable Type I error rate $\alpha$ for each of them then the total probability to get at least one significant difference (dubbed as FWER) under the conditions of the truth of the null hypothesis (which means no difference between the groups by design) would be not $\alpha$ but $1 - (1 - \alpha)^n$ what totally invalidates the procedure.
There are two possible scenarios: either we have multiple metrics that we want to compare across the test and control group or we have several testing groups that apply different treatment to customers. Whilst the first problem is more popular by a wide margin and has lots of solutions, the second one is often neglected in the business industry and generally the same procedures are used to solve it. If you apply any type of corrections for multiple testing you’re already ahead of 80% of teams that don’t, although what I want to show you is that the second scenario must be treated differently to extract more insights from your experiments.
Dunnet’s test is a multiple comparison procedure developed specifically to compare each of a number of treatment groups to a control one, extended original paper was released in 1964. Dunnett’s test is not a set aside procedure but more like an extension of monumental Student’s T-test, for a specific design where every treatment group is compared to a single control one, which is leveraged to take into account the dependencies between comparisons. In case of proportions it’s a Z-test, as long as we don’t need to estimate variance for binomial distribution in addition to the probability of success.
The main trick is to calculate variance in a different way, just to remind you in case of a standard procedure statistic looks like
$$ Z = \frac{\hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_2}{S\sqrt{\frac{1}{n_1} + \frac{1}{n_2}}} $$
where $S$ is a standard error estimate comprises the squared root of variance of a combined sample $\sigma^2 = P(1 - P)$
Dunnett’s test statistic looks exactly the same for every treatment group with the only difference laying under how variance is calculated. In general in case of $n$ treatment groups and one control group $i=0$ of observations $(X_0, .. X_{N_i})$ with $N_i$ size of each, the formula is the following:
$$ S^{2} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n}S_i^2}{df} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{N_i}(X_{ij} - \bar{X_i})^2}{df} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{N_i}X_{ij}^2 - n\bar{X_i}^2}{df} $$
where $df$ is degrees of freedom
$$ df = \sum_{i=0}^{n}N_{i} - (n + 1) $$
For proportions this “pooled” variance simplifies even further as long as the rest part of calculations is exactly the same
$$ S^{2} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n}{N_i\bar{p_i}(1 - \bar{p_i})}}{df} $$
Canonical AB test
First of all, to guarantee the accuracy we should challenge this specific criterion against a classical one in case when both of them are applicable - standard AB test. What is good about proportions is that we can easily simulate the data in the blink of an eye, so we’re setting up a simulation and employ Monte Carlo process to check two things:
- correctness - the criterion should meet the identified confidence level, which means that in case of AA comparison we should get Type I error in $\alpha$ percent of experiments
- power - as it comes from the theory in case of only two groups Dunnett’s test is equal to a classical Z-test, so shall we call the implementation out?
In addition to a point estimate of False Positive Rate I suggest building a 90% confidence interval to be more precise in the comparisons
def generate_sample(size: int, prob: float) -> int:
Return the number of target events
return binom(n=size, p=prob).rvs()
Correctness in AA
alpha = 0.05
n_iterations = 1000
p_general = 0.1
input = dict.fromkeys(["base", "target", "names", "variant"])
input["names"] = ["A", "B"]
input["variant"] = "B"
for size in map(int, [1e2, 1e3, 1e4]):
dunnett_positives = 0
z_positives = 0
for i in range(n_iterations):
input["base"] = [size, size]
input["target"] = [generate_sample(size, p_general), generate_sample(size, p_general)]
dunnett_test = Dunnett(input, "base", "target", "names", "variant")
z_test = Ztest(input, "base", "target", "names", "variant")
dunnett_p_value = dunnett_test.variant_pvalue(alternative="two-sided")
z_p_value = z_test.variant_pvalue(alternative="two-sided")
if dunnett_p_value <= alpha:
dunnett_positives += 1
if z_p_value <= alpha:
z_positives += 1
print(f'FPR for sample size {size}')
l, r = proportion_confint(count=dunnett_positives, nobs=n_iterations, alpha=0.10, method='wilson')
print(f'Dunnet: {dunnett_positives / n_iterations:.3f} ± {(r - l) / 2:.3f}')
l, r = proportion_confint(count=z_positives, nobs=n_iterations, alpha=0.10, method='wilson')
print(f'Z-test: {z_positives / n_iterations:.3f} ± {(r - l) / 2:.3f}')
FPR for sample size 100
Dunnet: 0.048 ± 0.011
Z-test: 0.048 ± 0.011
FPR for sample size 1000
Dunnet: 0.050 ± 0.011
Z-test: 0.050 ± 0.011
FPR for sample size 10000
Dunnet: 0.051 ± 0.011
Z-test: 0.051 ± 0.011
Amazing! It seems that 0.05 every time lies in the 90% confidence interval for FPR and hence the criterion is valid and moreover the numbers are exactly the same, it’s what was expected and now let’s check the power too.
Power in AB
alpha = 0.05
n_iterations = 1000
p_general = 0.10
effect_size = 0.2
input = dict.fromkeys(["base", "target", "names", "variant"])
input["names"] = ["A", "B"]
input["variant"] = "B"
for size in map(int, [1e2, 1e3, 1e4]):
dunnett_positives = 0
z_positives = 0
for i in range(n_iterations):
input["base"] = [size, size]
input["target"] = [generate_sample(size, p_general), generate_sample(size, p_general * (1 + effect_size))]
dunnett_test = Dunnett(input, "base", "target", "names", "variant")
z_test = Ztest(input, "base", "target", "names", "variant")
dunnett_p_value = dunnett_test.variant_pvalue(alternative="two-sided")
z_p_value = z_test.variant_pvalue(alternative="two-sided")
if dunnett_p_value <= alpha:
dunnett_positives += 1
if z_p_value <= alpha:
z_positives += 1
print(f'TPR of {effect_size:.0%} effect size for sample size {size}')
l, r = proportion_confint(count=dunnett_positives, nobs=n_iterations, alpha=0.10, method='wilson')
print(f'Dunnet: {dunnett_positives / n_iterations:.3f} ± {(r - l) / 2:.3f}')
l, r = proportion_confint(count=z_positives, nobs=n_iterations, alpha=0.10, method='wilson')
print(f'Z-test: {z_positives / n_iterations:.3f} ± {(r - l) / 2:.3f}')
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 100
Dunnet: 0.085 ± 0.015
Z-test: 0.085 ± 0.015
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 1000
Dunnet: 0.306 ± 0.024
Z-test: 0.306 ± 0.024
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 10000
Dunnet: 0.992 ± 0.005
Z-test: 0.992 ± 0.005
We are well on our way - the numbers are exactly the same, which means that in the case of 2 groups, Dunnett’s test is at least as powerful as a standard procedure. It’s time to challenge it in a way it’s supposed to be used: meet multivariate testing!
Multivariate ABC
Monte Carlo
Now we will track how the criterion controls not a single FPR, but family-wise error rate (FWER) and what is more in order to continue the comparison with a classical Z-test the latter needs to have Bonferroni correction applied otherwise it wouldn’t properly control FWER.
def fwe(x: np.ndarray, alpha: float) -> bool:
Indicates either at least one of null hypotheses is rejected
return max(x <= alpha)
def bonferroni_fwe(x: np.ndarray, alpha: float, n: int) -> bool:
Bonferroni correction for FWER, you can think of as it's Bonferroni-Holm procedure
Because to have a False Positive result it's necessary and sufficient that at least one of `n` p-values doesn't exceed `alpha` / `n`
return fwe(x, alpha / n)
To simplify the code in the future Monte Carlo procedure is wrapped into a function with all the necessary parameters supplied as arguments.
def monte_carlo(
aa_test: bool = True,
verbose: bool = True,
n_iterations: int = 1000,
group_size: int = 100,
n_groups: int = 3,
p_general: float = 0.1,
effect_size: float = 0.2,
alpha: float = 0.05,
) -> dict:
input = dict.fromkeys(["base", "target", "names", "variant"])
input["names"] = [chr(ord("A") + i) for i in range(n_groups)]
input["variant"] = input["names"][-1]
dunnett_positives = 0
z_positives = 0
for i in range(n_iterations):
input["base"] = [group_size] * n_groups
input["target"] = [generate_sample(group_size, p_general) for _ in range(n_groups - 1)]
input["target"] += [generate_sample(group_size, p_general * (1 + effect_size * (1 - aa_test)))]
dunnett_test = Dunnett(input, "base", "target", "names", "variant")
z_test = Ztest(input, "base", "target", "names", "variant")
dunnett_p_value = dunnett_test.groups_results(alternative="two-sided")["p-value"]
z_p_value = z_test.groups_results(alternative="two-sided")["p-value"]
if aa_test:
if fwe(dunnett_p_value, alpha):
dunnett_positives += 1
if bonferroni_fwe(z_p_value, alpha, 2):
z_positives += 1
if isinstance(dunnett_p_value, np.ndarray) and dunnett_p_value[-1] <= alpha:
dunnett_positives += 1
elif isinstance(dunnett_p_value, np.float64) and dunnett_p_value <= alpha:
dunnett_positives += 1
if sidak_holm(z_p_value, alpha)[-1]:
z_positives += 1
dl, dr = proportion_confint(count=dunnett_positives, nobs=n_iterations, alpha=0.10, method='wilson')
zl, zr = proportion_confint(count=z_positives, nobs=n_iterations, alpha=0.10, method='wilson')
if verbose:
print (
f"{'FPR' if aa_test else f'TPR of {effect_size:.0%} effect size'} for sample size {group_size}\n"
f" - Dunnett: {dunnett_positives / n_iterations:.3f} ± {(dr - dl) / 2:.3f}\n"
f" - Z-Test: {z_positives / n_iterations:.3f} ± {(zr - zl) / 2:.3f}\n"
return {"dunnett": [dl, dunnett_positives / n_iterations, dr], "z-test": [zl, z_positives / n_iterations, zr]}
Validity first, let’s check the ability to control FWER at predefined $\alpha$ level.
for size in [1e2, 5e2, 1e3, 5e3]:
_ = monte_carlo(aa_test=True, group_size=int(size))
FPR for sample size 100
- Dunnett: 0.045 ± 0.011
- Z-Test: 0.042 ± 0.010
FPR for sample size 500
- Dunnett: 0.048 ± 0.011
- Z-Test: 0.045 ± 0.011
FPR for sample size 1000
- Dunnett: 0.063 ± 0.013
- Z-Test: 0.056 ± 0.012
FPR for sample size 5000
- Dunnett: 0.050 ± 0.011
- Z-Test: 0.046 ± 0.011
Super cool, both methods: Dunnett’s Test without any corrections and Z-Test with Bonferroni-Holm correction control FWER correctly.
Now it’s the time to define a full-fledged step-down procedure for multivariate testing. Despite the fact that its shortened version works well to define FWER it doesn’t when it comes to a power analysis. I prefer Sidak-Holm procedure as it’s known as the most powerful procedure that controls FWER, however as long as sample size is increased the difference from Bonferroni-Holm is hardly noticeable.
def sidak_holm(p_values: np.ndarray, alpha: float) -> np.ndarray:
Step down Sidak-Holm procedure
If the statistics are jointly independent, no procedure can be constructed to control FWER that is more powerful than the Sidak-Holm method
m = p_values.size
adjusted_alpha = np.array([1 - (1 - alpha) ** (1 / (m - i + 1)) for i in range(1, m + 1)])
sorted_indexes = np.argsort(p_values)
sorted_pvalues = p_values[sorted_indexes]
first_reject = (list(sorted_pvalues <= adjusted_alpha) + [False]).index(False)
result = np.array([True] * first_reject + [False] * (m - first_reject))
return result[np.argsort(sorted_indexes)]
For the power test I offer to use two treatment groups and a single control where in one of the treatments an effect of 20% uplift is added. So the null hypothesis should be rejected and True Positive Rate is measured - is the share of rejected hypotheses among the number of iterations.
for size in [1e2, 5e2, 1e3, 5e3]:
_ = monte_carlo(aa_test=False, group_size=int(size))
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 100
- Dunnett: 0.051 ± 0.011
- Z-Test: 0.043 ± 0.011
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 500
- Dunnett: 0.104 ± 0.016
- Z-Test: 0.092 ± 0.015
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 1000
- Dunnett: 0.265 ± 0.023
- Z-Test: 0.240 ± 0.022
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 5000
- Dunnett: 0.855 ± 0.018
- Z-Test: 0.842 ± 0.019
The results are promising! The power of Dunnett’s test every time exceeds the power of Z-test with Sidak-Holm procedure applied.
The difference is not significant though, so we can’t say for sure that it’s better, let’s experiment more with parameters and change effect_size
for effect_size in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]:
_ = monte_carlo(aa_test=False, group_size=3000, effect_size=effect_size)
TPR of 10% effect size for sample size 3000
- Dunnett: 0.163 ± 0.019
- Z-Test: 0.157 ± 0.019
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 3000
- Dunnett: 0.589 ± 0.026
- Z-Test: 0.569 ± 0.026
TPR of 30% effect size for sample size 3000
- Dunnett: 0.927 ± 0.014
- Z-Test: 0.914 ± 0.015
It’s exciting, the result remains the same, and if we know that Sidak-Holm is the most powerful method that controls FWER for the general use case, we see now that Dunnett’s at least not worse. Finally, the most appealing variable is the number of treatment groups, let’s vary it too.
for n_groups in [3, 5, 7]:
_ = monte_carlo(aa_test=False, group_size=3000, n_groups=n_groups)
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 3000
- Dunnett: 0.608 ± 0.025
- Z-Test: 0.601 ± 0.025
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 3000
- Dunnett: 0.544 ± 0.026
- Z-Test: 0.506 ± 0.026
TPR of 20% effect size for sample size 3000
- Dunnett: 0.464 ± 0.026
- Z-Test: 0.424 ± 0.026
Now we’ve nailed it! The number of groups is what affects the bottom line. The more groups are in the experiment - the more powerful Dunnett’s Correction than Sidak-Holm. So, let’s build a title image for this article that illustrates how Dunnett’s test outperforms the well-known step-down procedure as the number of treatment groups increases.
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
ztest_values = []
dunnett_values = []
for n_groups in tqdm(range(2, 16)):
result = monte_carlo(aa_test=False, verbose=False, group_size=3000, n_groups=n_groups)
Plotly is used for interactive visualization, hover over the image to see details.
import as px
import plotly.graph_objs as go
def hex2rgba(hex, alpha):
Convert plotly hex colors to rgb and enables transparency adjustment
col_hex = hex.lstrip('#')
col_rgb = tuple(int(col_hex[i : i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
col_rgb += (alpha,)
return 'rgba' + str(col_rgb)
def get_new_color(colors):
while True:
for color in colors:
yield color
colors_list = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly
rgba_colors = [hex2rgba(color, alpha=0.5) for color in colors_list]
palette = get_new_color(rgba_colors)
def add_chart(figure, data, title):
x = list(range(1, 15))
color = next(palette)
y=[v[1] for v in data],
name='Upper Bound',
y=[v[2] for v in data],
name='Lower Bound',
y=[v[0] for v in data],
figure = go.Figure()
add_chart(figure, dunnett_values, "Dunnnett's Correction")
add_chart(figure, ztest_values, 'Z-Test with Sidak-Holm')
title_text="Number of Treatment Groups"
yaxis_title='True Positive Rate',
"x": 0.5,
"text": 'Power of Сriterion',
It was shown that when the experiment design satisfies the premises of Dunnett’s Test applicability (only $n$ comparisons of $n$ test groups against a single control) at least in a specific case of conversion metrics, Dunnett’s correction is more powerful that the standard step-down procedures like Sidak-Holm.
While Dunnet’s correction is a definite winner it doesn’t mean that Sidak-Holm is abandoned from now on in our team, the proper design would be to use Dunnett’s correction first for multivariate testing and Sidak-Holm procedure must be applied on top if there are multiple metrics to compare between the groups, which is often the case.